《水陆法会》讲座 |
光明山普觉禅寺将举行一年一度的水陆大斋胜会。水陆法会,又称为“法界圣凡水陆普度大斋胜会”亦为汉传佛教中最盛大且隆重的法会。为了让大众更了解法会的含义,本寺将举行讲座让大家学习水陆法会相关的知识与正确理解法会的意义。欢迎诸位善信届时前来聆听讲座,共沾法喜。座位有限,欢迎参加 供沾法益! |
日期:2014年11月9日(星期日) |
时间:下午2时至3时30分 |
地点:宏船老和尚纪念堂一楼 | 9 号课室 |
指导法师: 传琳法师 |
询问:下载海报 电话:6849 5300 | 电邮:sem@kmspks.org |
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Saturday, October 4, 2014
2015 Alms & Sangha’s Offering
“He who reveres those worthy of reverence, the Buddhas and their
disciples, who have transcended all obstacles and passed beyond the
reach of sorrow and lamentation – he who reveres such peaceful and
fearless ones, his merit none can compute by any measure.” (Dhammapada
v195- 196)
According to the Sutra of Generosity, one can benefit in these five areas – beauty, strength, longevity, happiness and eloquence – by making offerings to the Triple Gem. Venerable Maudgalyayana and Emperor Liang had offered food to the Sangha on behalf of their loved ones to help them be liberated from the three lower realms.
Offering alms to the Sangha is a meritorious act and allows them to concentrate on their learning, practising and sharing of the Buddha’s teachings. The monastery has introduced offering packages for devotees to choose from. For devotees who would like to make monetary donations during the alms and Sangha’s offering, please approach our Front Office. All donations will be utilised for the building and funding of Buddhist College of Singapore.
According to the Sutra of Generosity, one can benefit in these five areas – beauty, strength, longevity, happiness and eloquence – by making offerings to the Triple Gem. Venerable Maudgalyayana and Emperor Liang had offered food to the Sangha on behalf of their loved ones to help them be liberated from the three lower realms.
Offering alms to the Sangha is a meritorious act and allows them to concentrate on their learning, practising and sharing of the Buddha’s teachings. The monastery has introduced offering packages for devotees to choose from. For devotees who would like to make monetary donations during the alms and Sangha’s offering, please approach our Front Office. All donations will be utilised for the building and funding of Buddhist College of Singapore.
Date: 1st January 2015, Thursday. Time: 8.00 am – 10.00 am. Venue: The Hall Of Great Compassion. Enquiries: 6849 5300. |
The Meaning of Alms Offering to the Sangha |
Packages for Alms Offering (while stocks last!) | Offering Details |
Redemption of Alms Offerings: 1st January 2015, 6:30 am – 9:00 am Venue: Ven Hong Choon Memorial Hall Level 1 |
Redemption of Sangha’s Offerings: 1st January 2015, 9:00 am – 10:30 am Offerings to Sangha: 1st January 2015, 11:30 am to 12 noon Venue: Ven Hong Choon Memorial Hall Level 2 (Dining Hall) |
Kindly register and purchase the above packages from our Front Office. Please produce your official receipt on 1st Jan 2015 to redeem the purchased packages at the stated time and venue.
Word of caution : Kindly note that no staff and volunteers are authorised to solicit donations for this event.
Word of caution : Kindly note that no staff and volunteers are authorised to solicit donations for this event.
观音诞 – 大悲忏法会
地点 万佛宝塔
日期 29/9/2014- 4/10/2014, 农历九月初六至十一
时间 晚上7点30分
地点 大悲殿
日期 5/10/2014, 农历九月十二,星期日
时间 早上9点正
· 福位功德主 $100.00,合家6个名字
· 禄位功德主 $50.00,合家2个名字
· 寿位功德主 随缘,1个名字
报名地点:寺务处 询问:6849 5300

药师如来护安康 宝莲彩灯照喜乐
七彩宝莲灯念佛机 每对$68 数量有限 • 欢迎预订 电话: 6849 5333
1 一声佛号一声心
2 阿弥陀佛(四字)
3 南无阿弥陀佛
4 南无观世音菩萨
5 六字大明咒
6 阿弥陀佛
7 阿弥陀佛(地钟念佛)
8 观音菩萨(地钟念佛)
9 南无地藏王菩萨
10 南无消灾延寿药师佛
11 药师心咒
12 黄财神心咒
地点 万佛宝塔
日期 29/9/2014- 4/10/2014, 农历九月初六至十一
时间 晚上7点30分
地点 大悲殿
日期 5/10/2014, 农历九月十二,星期日
时间 早上9点正
· 福位功德主 $100.00,合家6个名字
· 禄位功德主 $50.00,合家2个名字
· 寿位功德主 随缘,1个名字
报名地点:寺务处 询问:6849 5300
药师如来护安康 宝莲彩灯照喜乐
七彩宝莲灯念佛机 每对$68 数量有限 • 欢迎预订 电话: 6849 5333
1 一声佛号一声心
2 阿弥陀佛(四字)
3 南无阿弥陀佛
4 南无观世音菩萨
5 六字大明咒
6 阿弥陀佛
7 阿弥陀佛(地钟念佛)
8 观音菩萨(地钟念佛)
9 南无地藏王菩萨
10 南无消灾延寿药师佛
11 药师心咒
12 黄财神心咒
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