Those who do not know contentment,
although rich, they are poor.
Those who know contentment,
although poor, they are rich.
although rich, they are poor.
Those who know contentment,
although poor, they are rich.
Those who do not know contentment,
are constantly led by their five desires,
pitied by those who know contentment.
are constantly led by their five desires,
pitied by those who know contentment.
- The Buddha (Sutra Of Bequeathed Teachings)
[Five desires: wealth, sex, fame, food and sleep]
[Five desires: wealth, sex, fame, food and sleep]
不知足者 虽富而贫
知足之人 虽贫而富
知足之人 虽贫而富
不知足者 常为五欲所牵
为知足者 之所怜悯
为知足者 之所怜悯