以祈世界和平,人民安乐,先亡得度,现眷吉祥。On the 1st to 9th of the Seventh Lunar month,
our monastery would conduct a nine day “Ksitigarbha’s Rememberance and
Repaying of Kindness Puja”. Venerable Sirs would lead in the recitation
of “The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Vows” and
dedicate it to world peace, well-being of citizens, deliverance of the
deceased, and the auspiciousness of those living.
正所谓:地藏法会 因缘难遇 悲心宏愿 至诚感通
诸佛加被 龙天齐护 悉令众生 愿满离苦
闻法修行 福慧增长 消宿现业 同登极乐
日期/Date: 2012年8月17日至8月25日(农历七月初一至初九日)17/8-25/8/2012
时间/Time:晚上8点正至9点30分 8pm -9.30pm
地点/Venue: 光明山普觉禅寺Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery。 大悲殿 The Great Compassion Hall
88 Bright Hill Road, Singapore 574117
欢迎公众踊跃参加 Come Join Us!
The monastery had catered bus to ferry participants to Ang Mo Kio bus interchange after the puja.
· 8月17日及24日 (星期五)《普门品》念诵暂停
· 8月18日及25日(星期六)《药师经》念诵暂停