Return of the Buddhist Dragpacker – Greece and Albania
Names such as Socrates, Plato, Zeus and Medussa bring us back to the mythological world of Greece, where many famous and well-known gods, beasts, titans and philosophers were born. Many thoughts and beliefs were put into creating this ancient civilisation that once influenced the lives of the entire humankind, but how much still remains intact to keep modern Greece, and even Europe, strong and prosperous in this era when the region is battered by severe economic and social turbulences. Darryl has taken a peek at Greece and its neighbour, Albania, last December to find out what has become of this ancient civilisation, and how its philosophies can or perhaps fail, to help salvage the nation.
Date: 24 April 2014, Thu
Time: 7.30pm-9.30pm
Venue: Awareness Place Well-Being Centre
Registration: Log on to for registration.
Enquiry: 68495345 /
About the Speaker: