
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sacred Literature of Buddhism

Verse for January 20, 2012

    20.    These ten things nourish the ten things that are desirable, liked, charming and hard to win the world. What ten? Energy and exertion nourish wealth. Finery and adornment nourish beauty. Doing things at the proper time nourishes health. Friendship with the beautiful nourishes virtue. Restraint of the senses nourishes the holy life. Not quarrelling nourishes friendship. Repetition nourishes great knowledge. Lending an ear and asking questions nourishes wisdom. Study and examination nourishes the teachings. And living rightly nourishes rebirth in the heaven world.

Anguttara Nikaya V.136 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sacred Literature of Buddhism

 Verse for January 18, 2012

    18.One who is wise and disciplined,
        Kindly always and intelligent,
        Humble and free from pride -
        One like this will win respect.

        Rising early and scorning laziness,
        Remaining calm in time of strife,
        Faultless in conduct and clever in actions -
        One like this will win respect.

        Being able to make friends and keep them,
        Welcoming others and sharing with them,
        A guide, philosopher and friend -
        One like this will win respect.

        Being generous and kindly in speech,
        Doing a good turn for others
        And treating all alike -
        One like this will win respect.

Digha Nikaya III.

Verse for January 17, 2012

    17.    There are these four kinds of happiness to be won by a householder who enjoys sense pleasures from time to time and when occasion offers. What four? The happiness of ownership, the happiness of wealth, the happiness of freedom from debt and the happiness of blamelessness.
    And what is the happiness of ownership? Concerning this, a householder has wealth acquired by energetic striving, won by strength of arm and sweat of brow, justly and lawfully won. When he thinks of this he feels happiness and satisfaction.
    And what is the happiness of wealth? Concerning this, a householder has wealth justly and lawfully won, and with it he does many good deeds. When he thinks of this he feels happiness and satisfaction.
    And what is the happiness of freedom from debt? Concerning this, a householder owes no debt large or small to anyone, and when he thinks of this he feels happiness and satisfaction.
    And what is the happiness of blamelessness? Concerning this, the noble disciple is blessed with blameless action of body, speech and mind, and when he thinks of this he feels happiness and satisfaction.

Anguttara Nikaya II.68

Verse for January 16, 2012

    16.    Greed is to be slightly blamed but it is slow to change. Hatred is to be greatly blamed but it is quick to change. Delusion is to be greatly blamed and it is slow to change.

Anguttara Nikaya I.199

Sunday, January 15, 2012


钟是寺院重要的法器之一,鸣钟更深的含义是为了祈祷:国泰民安、风调雨顺、道场兴隆、正觉净念。年复一年,一百零八下雄浑、洪亮的钟声响彻大地,能 令修道者消除一百零八种烦恼,能令名利客醒悟回头。浑厚悠扬的钟声,激荡在心田里,呼应着每个人的自性,令之断除烦恼显现智慧,明了烦恼和忧愁皆来自对名 利贪欲的渴望。钟声愈发的悠长,人生愈发的清晰,愈发的明澈。人们只有远离了颠倒梦想,和平、吉祥、福气、好运才能靠我们更近。
聆听新年钟声  祈祷世界和平  祝福合家安康
日期:2012年1月 22日(星期日)
时间:晚上11 时30分