
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Usher in 2015 with 108 “Bell Resonance”

New Year Bell Resonance

Seed one’s hope in the auspicious resonance of the bell, and let the harmony carries one’s prayers across the ten directions.
31.12.2014 (Wednesday)
Aspiration Lamp Offering
Behind the Hall of Great Compassion, 10.00 pm
Bell Resonance 108 Times
In Front of the Hall of Great Strength, 12.00 am
Recitation of The 88 Great Buddha Names & The Great Repentance Ceremony
Hall of Great Compassion, 12.30 am

01.01.2015 (Thursday)
Offering to Heavenly Realms
Hall of Great Compassion, 6.00 am
2015 Alms Offering to the Sangha2015 Alms Offering to the Sangha
Hall of Great Compassion, 8.00 am
Dinning Hall, 11.00 am
The Grand Diamond Gem Repentance Ceremony
Hall of Great Compassion, 1.30 pm

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Group Practice

Group Practice

All Enquiries
Tel: 6849 5300

Suspension of Group Practices

Recitation Date of Suspension Date of Resumption
Pu Men Pin 24/10/2014 12/12/2014
Medicine Buddha Sutra 11/10/2014 13/12/2014
Pureland and Diamond Sutra 26/10/2014 14/12/2014


Come experience a mind and body transformation through our weekly group meditation practice. You will feel rejuvenated and refreshed after each session! Free Admission.

Practice Schedule Venue
Meditation Group PracticeMeditation Group Practice
(No instructor)
8 Jan 2014 to 12 Nov 2014,
every Wed, 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm
No practice on the following dates:
(29/1, 2/4, 30/4, 14/5, 11/6 and 6/8)
Hall of No Form

The Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits All Sentient Beings

Join us in one of the grandest Mahayana Buddhist rituals in the forms of extensive prayer and merits dedications; it is a majestic example of universal compassion. The opportunity to participate in such a meritorious event is most precious and should be cherished by all.
[About the Festival] [eBook on the Festival (pdf)] [Video (Mandarin)]
[Talk on The Grand Prayer (Mandarin) - 9 Nov ]


“佛法博大精深,其弘传之责任,不仅出家人,而尤赖在家居士共肩此艰巨任务。俾人人皆知正觉之大道。吾人研 习佛法,约有远缘,近缘两大类别之根器,其夙根敏颖者,一闻千悟,可以顿超如来地,此曰近缘。其由积渐勤学,循序而进,终至解行相应,契合佛心而成道者, 虽不一定今生证得,而待来生者,即曰远缘。便不论如何,诸位如能时时得有闻法之机会,或得阅及而受文字般若之熏陶;心生欢喜,以是因缘,即是种下菩提之 因,久远将来,当亦有成佛之机会。故曰佛教方便多门也。”—— 摘自《宏船长老法汇》 宏船老和尚



法界圣凡冥阳两利水陆普度大斋胜会 法会地点: 光明山普觉禅寺
报名地点: 光明山普觉禅寺| 寺务处
报名日期: 2014年8月15日起至牌位满额为止
询问电话: 6849 5300 | 6849 5333

内坛、大坛、供斋,超荐功德金表 :

一 内坛功德主:
• $30,000以上
• $20,000
• $10,000
• $5,000
• $3,000
三 诸经坛 ( 消灾植福 ):
• $300 ( 5-6个名 )
• $200 ( 1-4个名 )
• $20 ( 限1个名 )
五 供斋香积金类别:
• 上堂大斋 $3,000
• 福寿大斋 $2,000
• 如意斋 $1,000
• 罗汉斋 $500
• 随缘
二 大坛功德主:
• $2,000
• $1,000
四 净土坛 ( 附荐超度 ):
• $300 ( 5-6个名 )
• $200 ( 1-4个名 )
• $20 ( 限1个名 )