
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Usher in 2016 with Prayers & 108 “Bell Resonance”

Kick-start 2016 on a virtuous and auspicious note!
Join us with wholesome aspirations in our prayers and offerings. Welcome the New Year in a heightened state of mindfulness, as you calm and purify your mind by listening to the 108 deep resonance of the bell. By the blessing of the Triple Gem, may the hearts and minds of all beings be attuned to the sublime Dharma.
31.12.2015 (Thursday)
Hall of Great CompassionAspiration Lamp Offering | 10 pm
In Front of Hall of Great StrengthBell Resonance 108 Times | 12 am (New Year’s Day)
Hall of Great CompassionRecitation of The 88 Great Buddha Names & The Great Repentance Ceremony | 12.30 am (New Year’s Day)
01.01.2016 (Friday)
Hall of Great Compassion
Offering to the Heavenly Realms | 6 am
Alms Offering to the Sangha | 8 am
The Grand Diamond Gem Repentance Ceremony | 1:30 pm
2015 Alms Offering to the SanghaDining Hall
Alms Offering to the Sangha | 11 am
Enquiry: 6849 5300 | poster