“He who reveres those worthy of reverence, the Buddhas and their disciples, who have transcended all obstacles and passed beyond the reach of sorrow and lamentation – he who reveres such peaceful and fearless ones, his merit none can compute by any measure.” (Dhammapada v195- 196)
Venue: Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
The Hall Of Great Compassion
88 Bright Hill Road Singapore 574117
Enquiries: 6849 5300
Please register and purchase the below packages from our staff at the Front Office. In return, you will obtain a receipt in which you can exchange for the package you have purchased at the location indicated below.
Packages to purchase for alms offering:
1. Bountiful Harvest $48Redeem Offerings: 1st Jan 2012, 6.30am – 9am
Location: Tentage next to Bell Tower
Alms Offering: 1st Jan 2012, 8am – 10am
《佛说布施经》云:供养三宝可得五种利益:身相端庄, 气力增盛, 寿命延长, 快乐安稳, 成就辩才。从古至今,斋僧事例繁多,而感应也多。目健连以斋僧功德令母亲出离饿鬼道;梁武帝斋僧感得妻子从畜生道而升天道。历劫以来我们无量无边父母的浩 瀚大恩做儿女的念及至此,应当知恩报恩。
地点: 光明山普觉禅寺大悲殿
88 Bright Hill Road Singapore 574117
电话: 6849 5300
88 Bright Hill Road Singapore 574117
电话: 6849 5300
供僧礼盒: 到寺务处报名参与供僧活动及选购以下供僧礼盒。
1. 五谷丰收 $ 48