
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Meaning of Alms Offering to the Sangha

As a bee gather honey from a flower and flies away without injuring the flower, its colours or its scent, so let the sage wander in the village. (The Dhammapada v49) 

Born as a Prince, the Buddha renounced his palace life and went on his alms round to obtain the four basic life requisites – Robes, Food, Lodging and Medicine. It is a great example of Buddha’s humility and should be practised by all ascetics.
 By offering food to the Sangha, it is a way for lay people to practice joyful giving and letting go of attachments. By receiving food from the lay community, the Sangha sustain themselves for the sake of learning, practising and sharing the Buddha’s teachings.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Alms Offering

 The Do’s and Don’ts of Alms Offering
By learning and sharing in harmony together, the Buddhist community strives towards achieving a common objective, Enlightenment – Nirvāṇa.

The Meaning of Alms Offering To The Sangha What Does a Bhikkhu Need?
How to Help a Bhikkhu?

Dedicating Meritorious Acts

The Right Way to Give Alms

Ashoka and the Buddha

Alms Offering to the Sangha 2014

Alms Offering to the Sangha 2014

“He who reveres those worthy of reverence, the Buddhas and their disciples, who have transcended all obstacles and passed beyond the reach of sorrow and lamentation – he who reveres such peaceful and fearless ones, his merit none can compute by any measure.” (Dhammapada v195- 196)

Date: 1st January 2014, Wednesday.
Time: 8.00 am – 10.00 am.
Venue: The Hall Of Great Compassion.
Enquiries: 6849 5300.
Alms Offering to the Sangha 2013
Packages for Alms Offering (while stocks last!) Offering Details
    (food and medication)
Redemption of Alms Offerings:
1st Jan 2014, 6:30 am – 9:00 am


Ven Hong Choon Memorial Hall Level 1
    (daily necessities)
Redemption of Alms Offerings:
1st Jan 2014, 9:00 am – 10:30 am

Offering to Sangha:

1st Jan 2014, 11:30 am to 12 noon


Ven Hong Choon Memorial Hall Level 2
(Dining Hall)
    (Sanga robes, shoes and luggage)
Kindly register and purchase the above packages from our Front Office. Please produce your official receipt on the day of event to redeem the packages at the mentioned time and venue.

Word of caution :
Kindly note that no staff and volunteers are authorised to solicit donations for this event.
Parking Kindly note that due to limited parking lots in the Monastery, it is advisable to use the public transport.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits All Sentient Beings

Join us in one of the grandest Mahayana Buddhist rituals in the forms of extensive prayer and merits dedications; it is a majestic example of universal compassion. The opportunity to participate in such a meritorious event is most precious and should be cherished by all.
[About the Festival] [eBook on the Festival (pdf)]
[Talk on the Festival (Mandarin) - 16 and 23 Nov 2013]


“佛法博大精深,其弘传之责任,不仅出家人,而尤赖在家居士共肩此艰巨任务。俾人人皆知正觉之大道。吾人研 习佛法,约有远缘,近缘两大类别之根器,其夙根敏颖者,一闻千悟,可以顿超如来地,此曰近缘。其由积渐勤学,循序而进,终至解行相应,契合佛心而成道者, 虽不一定今生证得,而待来生者,即曰远缘。便不论如何,诸位如能时时得有闻法之机会,或得阅及而受文字般若之熏陶;心生欢喜,以是因缘,即是种下菩提之 因,久远将来,当亦有成佛之机会。故曰佛教方便多门也。”—— 摘自《宏船长老法汇》 宏船老和尚


法界圣凡冥阳两利水陆普度大斋胜会 法会地点: 光明山普觉禅寺
报名地点: 光明山普觉禅寺| 寺务处
报名日期: 2013年9月1日起至牌位满额为止
询问电话: 6849 5300 | 6849 5333

内坛、大坛、供斋,超荐功德金表 :

一 内坛功德主:
• $30,000以上
• $20,000
• $10,000
• $5,000
• $3,000
三 诸经坛 ( 消灾植福 ):
• $300 ( 5-6个名 )
• $200 ( 1-4个名 )
• $20 ( 限1个名 )
五 供斋香积金类别:
• 上堂大斋 $3,000
• 福寿大斋 $2,000
• 如意斋 $1,000
• 罗汉斋 $500
• 随缘
二 大坛功德主:
• $2,000
• $1,000
四 净土坛 ( 附荐超度 ):
• $300 ( 5-6个名 )
• $200 ( 1-4个名 )
• $20 ( 限1个名 )




Medicine Buddha Puja - kmspksmedia


地点:宏船老和尚纪年堂 | 一楼 | 9号课室
指导法师: 明法法师
询问:电话:6849 5300 | 电邮

Group Practice

Group Practice
All Enquiries
Tel: 6849 5300 | Email:
Announcement: Suspension of practices for September

Recitation Suspension Date Resumption Date
Pu Men Pin 27 Sep 2013 (Fri) 4 Oct 2013 (Fri)

Come experience a mind and body transformation through our weekly group meditation practice. You will feel rejuvenated and refreshed after each session! Free Admission.

Practice Schedule Venue
2013 Meditation Group PracticeMeditation Group Practice Every Wed
7.30 pm – 9.00 pm
Hall of No Form

Sutra Recitation
The choice of what is chanted varies from Sutras, Praise to the Triple Gem, Confession of Faults to Mantra.

Recitation Schedule Venue
Pu Men Pin Every Fri, 8.00pm Hall of Great Compassion
Medicine Buddha Sutra Every Sat, 7.30pm Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddha,
2nd level
Pureland Every Sun, 9.15am Hall of Great Compassion
Diamond Sutra Every Sun, 2.00pm Hall of Great Compassion
The Great Compassion
Great Compassion Puja
Every 27th of lunar month,
Hall of Great Compassion
Pls call 6849 5300 for more info

Note: There will be no practice on days when major events are held. Please check dates and times with the group leaders, the News on temple’s Notice Board or on our website. Recitations are conducted in Mandarin.




地点 万佛宝塔
日期 7/10/2013- 12/10/2013, 农历九月初三至初八
时间 晚上7点30分

地点 大悲殿
日期 13/10/2013, 农历九月初九 l 星期日
时间 早上9点正

· 福位功德主 $100.00 l 合家6个名字
· 禄位功德主 $50.00 l 合家2个名字
· 寿位功德主 随缘 l 1个名字
报名地点:寺务处  询问:6849 5300


药师如来护安康 宝莲彩灯照喜乐
药师消灾法会期间( 7/10/2013至13/10/2013 ) 佛台上供着七彩宝莲灯兼念佛机(七彩绚丽颜色变幻及多种圣号唱诵),欢迎善信诚请回家供养三宝、聆听圣号,功德殊胜。
七彩宝莲灯念佛机   每对$68 数量有限 • 欢迎预订 电话: 6849 5333

1 一声佛号一声心
2 阿弥陀佛(四字)
3 南无阿弥陀佛
4 南无观世音菩萨
5 六字大明咒
6 阿弥陀佛
7 阿弥陀佛(地钟念佛)
8 观音菩萨(地钟念佛)
9 南无地藏王菩萨
10 南无消灾延寿药师佛
11 药师心咒
12 黄财神心咒

注:凡预定七彩宝莲灯念佛机者,请凭收据在15/10/2013 起至寺务处领取。

Sunday@KMSPKS Youth

 6 Oct
When: Happening on Sunday
Dates: 6, 13, 20 and 27 Oct 2013
Time: 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Venue: Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery,
Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall,
Level 1 Classroom 5 & 6 Map
: proper attire (covering shoulders and knees)
Enquiries Call 6849 5345 | Email:

10:30 am
Loving Kindness and Concentration Meditation Group Practice
Join us for a simple cultivation session for youth from 17 – 35 years old. We will be doing short sutra recitation and guided meditation practice.
Click here to register.
11:30 am
Yummy Lunch!
Delicious vegetarian meal awaiting for you.
12:15 pm
Get Together
Games and activities.
1:15 pm
Buddhism & Me!
Where 16 to 25 years old youths learn about Buddha’s teachings and discuss with our youth graduates from our Saturday and Sunday School.
Click here to register
2:00 pm
Happening on:
Every first and third Sunday
Registration fee:
A short course on the fundamentals of Buddhism conducted by Venerable Chuan Guan catered for the youth of age, 17-35 years old. It consists of 4 modules:
• Faith & Confidence (5 lessons),
• Understanding (5 lessons),
• Cultivation I (5 lessons), and
• Cultivation II (6 lessons).
Click here to register:
3:30 pm
Tea Break


Dates: Starting 15 Sep, Every first and third Sunday
Time: 2:00 pm –  3:30 pm
Registration fee : $10 (payment to be made during first lesson)
Venue: Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery, Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 1, Classroom 5 & 6

A short course on the fundamentals of Buddhism conducted by Venerable Chuan Guan catered for the youth of age, 17-35 years old. It consists of 4 modules:
  • Faith & Confidence (5 lessons),
  • Understanding (5 lessons),
  • Cultivation I (5 lessons), and
  • Cultivation II (6 lessons).
Participants are encourage to join in our morning short cultivation session at 10:30 am and lunch with us at 11:30 am before the course.

Click here to register:
Enquiries: Email | Call 6849 5345