
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Relaxation & Mindfulness Meditation

Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation

Is the hectic pace of everyday life leaving you overwhelmed?
Why not take a moment to relax and practise a technique? Meditation.
Join Venerable Kwang Sheng as he shares how meditation and Buddhist teachings can help us re-focus our mind, bring about a sense of peace and well-being and re-energise ourselves.
Relaxation & Mindfulness Meditation
Date: 13 July ~ 5 October 2015 (Monday)
Time: 7.30 pm ~ 9 pm
Closing date for registration: 6 July 2015 or when fully registered.
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall | 4 Level | Hall of No Form
Course Offering: $20
Registration Venue: Reception Office | 9 am ~ 4.30 pm
Enquiry: Registration Form (pdf)
6849 5300 | | poster
Venerable Kwang Sheng was ordained under Venerable Hong Choon in 1980. Following that, he spent a number of years studying and practising in different countries such as Myanmar, Japan and Korea. He spent a total of three years in Songgwangsa, Korea, practising Zen meditation.

都市进修 ~ 八关斋戒

都市进修 ~ 八关斋戒
都市进修 ~ 八关斋戒
  • 1 日 / 2 日修(无住宿)
  • 以华语授教
日期:– 2015年 7月17日 | 星期五 早上7时30分至晚上9时
– 2015年 7月18日 | 
星期六 早上7时30分至晚上9时
赞助费:$20 (1 日修) | $40 (2 日修)
报名地点:接待处 | 早上9时至下午4时30分
询问 报名表格电话:6849 5300 | 电邮 | 海报

Saturday, June 13, 2015

卫赛节座谈会 - 觉悟人生智慧生活

Monday, June 1, 2015

Vegetarian Dumplings For Sale

Dumplings For Sale

Dragon Boat Festival Vegetarian Dumplings For Sale
Date: 13 Jun – 20 Jun 2015
Time: 9.00 am – 2.30 pm
Fee: $3.00 each
Venue: Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery | Dinning Hall
Tel: 6849 5300

Relaxation & Mindfulness Meditation

Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation

Is the hectic pace of everyday life leaving you overwhelmed?
Why not take a moment to relax and practise a technique? Meditation.
Join Venerable Kwang Sheng as he shares how meditation and Buddhist teachings can help us re-focus our mind, bring about a sense of peace and well-being and re-energise ourselves.
Relaxation & Mindfulness Meditation
Registration for this event starts on 09 Jun 2015, please check back for more details closer to the date.

Vesak Dharma Talk (Mandarin) | 卫塞节中文座谈会: 觉悟人生 · 智慧生活

觉悟人生 · 智慧生活

卫塞节中文座谈会 – 觉悟人生 · 智慧生活
地点: 宏船老和尚纪念堂 | 4楼 | 无相殿
赞助费用:免费入场(* 需门票入场)票量有限、索完为止
*索票处: 接待处 | 早上9时至下午4时30分,或上网索取 电子门票
询问: 6849 5300 | | 海报