
Saturday, August 29, 2015



燃灯消灾延寿功德金· 福位功德主 $100.00,合家6个名字
· 禄位功德主 $50.00, 合家2个名字
· 寿位功德主 随缘,1个名字
报名地点:寺务处 询问:6849 5300
药师如来护安康 宝莲彩灯照喜乐
药师消灾法会期间( 26/10/2015至01/11/2015 )佛台上供着七彩宝莲灯兼念佛机(七彩绚丽颜色变幻及多种圣号唱诵),欢迎善信诚请回家供养三宝、聆听圣号,功德殊胜。
每对 $38
数量有限 · 欢迎预订
电话: 6849 5333
1 一声佛号一声心
2 阿弥陀佛(四字)
3 南无阿弥陀佛
4 南无观世音菩萨
5 六字大明咒
6 阿弥陀佛
7 阿弥陀佛(地钟念佛)
8 观音菩萨(地钟念佛)
9 南无地藏王菩萨
10 南无消灾延寿药师佛
11 药师心咒
12 黄财神心咒
注:凡预定七彩宝莲灯念佛机者,请凭收据在26/11至15/11/2015 起至寺务处领取。

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits All Sentient Beings

Join us in one of the grandest Mahayana Buddhist rituals in the forms of extensive prayer and merits dedications; it is a majestic example of universal compassion. The opportunity to participate in such a meritorious event is most precious and should be cherished by all.


“佛法博大精深,其弘传之责任,不仅出家人,而尤赖在家居士共肩此艰巨任务。俾人人皆知正觉之大道。吾人研习佛法,约有远缘,近缘两大类别之根器,其夙根敏颖者,一闻千悟,可以顿超如来地,此曰近缘。其由积渐勤学,循序而进,终至解行相应,契合佛心而成道者,虽不一定今生证得,而待来生者,即曰远缘。便不论如何,诸位如能时时得有闻法之机会,或得阅及而受文字般若之熏陶;心生欢喜,以是因缘,即是种下菩提之因,久远将来,当亦有成佛之机会。故曰佛教方便多门也。”—— 摘自《宏船长老法汇》宏船老和尚


法界圣凡冥阳两利水陆普度大斋胜会法会地点: 光明山普觉禅寺
报名地点: 光明山普觉禅寺| 寺务处
报名日期: 2015年9月1日(农历七月十九日起至牌位满额为止)
询问电话: 6849 5300

内坛、大坛、供斋,超荐功德金表 :

一 内坛功德主:
• $30,000以上
• $20,000
• $10,000
• $5,000
• $3,000
三 诸经坛 ( 消灾植福 ):
• $300 ( 5-6个名 )
• $200 ( 1-4个名 )
• $20 ( 限1个名 )
五 供斋香积金类别:
• 上堂大斋 $3,000
• 福寿大斋 $2,000
• 如意斋 $1,000
• 罗汉斋 $500
• 随缘
二 大坛功德主:
• $2,000
• $1,000
四 净土坛 ( 附荐超度 ):
• $300 ( 5-6个名 )
• $200 ( 1-4个名 )
• $20 ( 限1个名 )

Phor Kark See Vegetarian Mooncakes

Mooncakes for sale

The cool breeze sets a relaxed mood; the full moon heralds the reunion of thousands families.
This mid-autumn festival, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery brings you delectable Phor Kark See vegetarian mooncakes. Celebrate this festivity with your loved ones and not forgetting the tranquillity and naturalness of the Buddhadharma.
Sale starts from 6 – 27 Sept 2015, 9.30 am – 3 pm at KMSPKS Dining Hall. Please call 6849 5300 for more information. [poster]
A Festive of Family Gathering
1 White Lotus Paste $38.00 ($9.50 each)
2 Red Lotus Paste $32.00 ($8.00 each)
3 Hawaii Nut White Lotus Paste $40.00 ($10.00 each)
4 Olive Seed Red Lotus Paste $36.00 ($9.00 each)
5 Green Tea Paste with Melon Seed $36.00 ($9.00 each)
6 Coffee Paste with Melon Seed $36.00 ($9.00 each)
7 Mixed Nuts Paste $45.00 ($11.25 each)
8 Durian Snow Skin $40.00 / 4 pcs ($10.00 each)
Durian Snow Skin (small) $30.00 / 8 pcs ($3.80 each)
9 Mint Paste Snow Skin $38.00 / 4 pcs ($9.50 each)
Mint Paste Snow Skin (small) $30.00 / 8 pcs ($3.75 each)

Suspension of Group Practices

The following group practices shall be suspended over the specified period:
RecitationDate of SuspensionDate of Resumption
Medicine Buddha Sutra15/08/201505/09/2015
Diamond Sutra30/08/201506/09/2015
Enquiry: 6849 5300

Saturday, August 22, 2015

8 Precepts Retreat in Bodhgaya

8 Precepts Retreat in Bodhgaya

Bodhgaya, the site made holy as the place where Buddha attained Enlightenment. The Eight Precepts is code of ethics laid down by Buddha for lay Buddhists to aid in their spiritual practice, experiencing short-term monastic life. Observing the Eight Precepts helps one eradicate negative karma and it is significantly auspicious to be able to observe the Eight Precepts at Bodhgaya. May this short retreat enhance your wisdom and happiness.
8 Precepts Retreat in Bodhgaya
Date:6 – 15 Nov 2015
Retreat Fee:S$2,660 – Fee includes return economy airfare, airport taxes, hotel accommodation (twin sharing), all vegetarian meals, admission fees, tips for guides & drivers, visa fee & group travel insurance.
Participant Requirement:16 – 65 years old, males and females
Registration Date:Now till 23 Sept 2015 or when fully registered
Registration:Register Online Here or at KMSPKS Reception Office (9am – 4.30pm) with the following Registration Form.
Enquiry:Tel: 6849 5300 | Email: | poster

Monkhood Novitiate Programme

Monkhood Novitiate Programme

Experience the life of a Sangha to increase your Wisdom and Compassion. Detach from all Worldly matters and advance towards Spiritual Blissfulness.
Monkhood Novitiate Programme
Date:4 – 15 Nov 2015
Venue:– Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (Report on 4 Nov)
– Bodhgaya (Depart on 6 Nov, Return on 15 Nov)
Fee:S$2,660 – Fee includes return economy airfare, airport taxes, hotel accommodation (twin sharing), all meals (vegetarian), aircon coach, admission fees, tip for guides & drivers, visa fee & group travel insurance.
Registration:Read T&C and Register Online Here or at KMSPKS Reception Office (9am – 4.30pm) with the following Registration Form
Registration Date:Now till 14 Sep 2015 or when fully registered (First-come, first-served)
Interview Date:19 Sep 2015 (Saturday)
Participant Requirement:Male ONLY, 16 to 65 years old
Remarks:– Remarks Shortlisted participants are required to attend a preparatory course
– Full payment will be collected upon confirmation of acceptance
Enquiry:Tel: 6849 5300 | Fax: 6452 6341 | Email: | poster

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Buddhism & Science Symposium V

Buddhism & Science Symposium V

The Buddhism & Science Symposium is a series of public forums initiated by the Buddhist community in Singapore. The symposiums explore the relationship between Buddhism, Science and contemporary society.
Feeling the need to re-focus your mind and re-energise yourself?
Join us at this Symposium where great minds in science and spirituality share their insights on the impact of mindfulness on our health and emotional well-being.
Two NUS psychiatrists will share the importance of nurturing the developing adolescence mind, and research findings on a mindfulness intervention programme to prevent depression and dementia in the elderly in Singapore.
Learn how mindfulness practice is being used in psychotherapy and in cultivating mental resilience from a Buddhist monk and an eminent meditation teacher.
Sign up today and be inspired to find inner peace through the practice of mindfulness in your daily life!
Buddhism & Science Symposium V
Welcome Address:Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng
Abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
Adviser, Organising Committee,
Buddhism & Science Symposium V
Panel Speakers:A/Prof John Wong Chee Meng
Head, Department of Psychological Medicine
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.
Senior Consultant Child Psychiatrist,
National University Hospital
 Prof Kua Ee Heok
Tan Geok Yin Professor of Psychiatry & Neuroscience
Department of Psychological Medicine,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.
Senior Consultant Psychiatrist,
National University Hospital
 Venerable Dr Somaloka
Founder, Mindfulness Meditation
and Counselling Centre, Sydney
 Dr B. Alan Wallace
Founder, Santa Barbara Institute for
Consciousness Studies
Chairperson for Panel Discussion:Ms Tracey Woon
Vice-Chairman of ASEAN Corporate and
Investment Banking, Citigroup Singapore

The Mind: The Window to Our Well-being
Date:3 Oct 2015, Sat
Time:8.30 am – 12.30 pm
Venue:Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery,
Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form
Course Offering:$20 per person (vegetarian lunch provided, inclusive of Exploring Buddhism & Science Publication)
Closing Date:19 Sep 2015 or when fully registered
Registration Venue:Reception Office | 9 am – 4.30 pm
Online Registration:Click here to register
(Event is open for online registration from 13 Aug)
Enquiries:Tel: 6849 5300 | Email: | poster



—- 乔 ● 卡巴金 正念减压课程(MBSR) 创始人
  1. 提升专注力
  2. 巩固觉察力
  3. 身体疼痛处理与心理对疼痛的反应之观察
  4. 减缓身心困扰
  5. 增进人际关系
  6. 帮助自我成长
日期:2015年9月1日 至 10月6日|星期二
地点:万佛塔 | 二楼 | 药师殿
报名表格:正念静观生活 (PDF)
询问:电话:6849 5300 | 电邮 | 海报
仁虚法师于2000年在江苏泰兴庆云禅寺出家。2004年在光明山普觉禅寺受具足戒。2001年至2007年在厦门闽南佛学院完成预科和本科学业。2008年在斯里兰卡康提佩尔迪尼亚大学巴利与佛学研究中心攻读文学硕士,目前正在进行哲学硕士/博士联读。从2013年开始, 仁虚法师在光明山普觉禅寺弘法部担任精神导师。同年11月在北京参加麻省正念中心的7日身心医学的正念专业教育与培训。2014年11月中旬赴台湾台北参加卡巴金教授的正念减压三日工作坊,并参加正念减压之对话,探索,合作国际研讨会。2015年4月在北京参加马克威廉姆斯教授带领的正念认知疗法工作坊—狂乱世界中的静心法。

Saturday, August 1, 2015



On the 1st to 9th of the Seventh Lunar month, our monastery would conduct a nine day “Ksitigarbha’s Rememberance and Repaying of Kindness Puja”. Venerable Sirs would lead in the recitation of “The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Vows” and dedicate it to world peace, well-being of citizens, deliverance of the deceased, and the auspiciousness of those living.
地藏法会 因缘难遇 悲心宏愿 至诚感通
诸佛加被 龙天齐护 悉令众生 愿满离苦
闻法修行 福慧增长 消宿现业 同登极乐
欢迎公众踊跃参加 Come Join Us!
日期/Date: 2015年8月14日至8月22日(农历七月初一至初九日)14/8/2015 – 22/8/2015
时间/Time:晚上8点正至9点30分 8 pm – 9.30 pm
地点/Venue:大悲殿 The Great Compassion Hall
询问/Enquiry:6849 5300 | 海报
The monastery had catered bus to ferry participants to Ang Mo Kio bus interchange after the puja.
注:8月15、22 及 29日(星期六)《药师经》念诵暂停

Treasures from Asia's Oldest Museum Buddhist Art from the Indian Museum, Kolkata

Asian Civilisations Museum
16 Jun 2015 - 16 Aug 2015
Free admission


The exhibition presents the evolution of Buddhism through the art of India. Important sculptures and paintings from the Indian Museum in Kolkata will trace the Jataka stories (past life stories of the Buddha), scenes from the life of the Buddha, and symbols used to represent Buddhist concepts. Representations of bodhisattvas and the Buddha will be on display. The exhibition features striking sculptures from the Pala and Gandhara cultures.

The Indian Museum, Kolkata, is the oldest museum in Asia, and greatly influenced the founding of other institutions in the region. Singapore's strong historic ties to Kolkata give this exhibition a special resonance, especially during 2015, Singapore's 50th anniversary as well as the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between India and Singapore. Seen outside the ACM is the obelisk commemorating Indian viceroy Lord Dalhousie's visit from Kolkata in 1850.

Heart Sutra Workshop

Heart Sutra Workshop

What is the Heart Sutra?
The Heart Sutra is one of the most common sutra recited in temples and monasteries worldwide. While being the shortest, at 260 Chinese characters, it expounds deep and profound teachings of Emptiness as taught by the Buddha.
What is Emptiness and how can we apply it in our life today?
How do we recite this sutra and how can we change ourselves so that we can become happier?
Come join our Heart Sutra workshop and learn more!
Heart Sutra Workshop
Workshop Programme (conducted in English)– Puja
– Recitation of Heart Sutra (Learn to recite!)
– Teachings
– Discussion
– Meditation
– Dedication of Merits
Date:16 Aug – 25 Oct 2015 (Sun; No class on 27 Sep)
Time:4.30 pm – 6.30 pm
Venue:Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery,
Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 1, Room 9
Course Offering:$40 per person
Closing Date:14 Aug or when class is fully registered
Registration Venue:Reception Office | 9am-4.30pm
Enquiries:Tel: 6849 5300 | Email:
Conducting Venerable:
Venerable Chuan Guan was ordained under Master Miu King (Master Miao Jing 妙境长老) in 2002 and received higher ordination in 2003. He began his monastic training in Fa Yun Monastery (New Mexico, United States), learning the sutras and practised meditation under the Mahayana Buddhist tradition while studying the Theravadan Pali Canon.
Between 2006 to 2009, he continued his training under Ven. Sik Kwang Sheng in Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (KMSPKS). From July 2009 to June 2013, he served in the Buddhist Library as a resident monk. Since July 2013 onwards, he has returned to KMSPKS as a resident monk.
Prior to monkhood, he received his degree in Computer Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and worked in the IT industry prior to monkhood. As a Buddhist monk, his focus is on Dharma learning, meditation and he also provides counseling and spiritual services. Online, he reaches out to the Buddhist community via his blog at, Facebook, Twitter, and through apps on Apple and Android mobile devices.

Suspension of Group Practices

The following group practices shall be suspended over the specified period:
RecitationDate of SuspensionDate of Resumption
Medicine Buddha Sutra15/08/201505/09/2015
Diamond Sutra09/08/201516/08/2015
Enquiry: 6849 5300